Full Body Gym Workout

Tight for gym time? Here’s part 1 of 2 for a quick, 40 min,  full body workout if you workout twice a week.


  • Full Body Workout with videos, part 1

  • Save time by working all the muscles

  • Boost your metabolism for 2 days

*** Public Service Announcement ***

This workout continues to be relevant and excellent for a full body session. However, I have also created a 3-day split workout with bonus HIIT sessions.

If you’re serious about getting lean and losing fat, that’s the one to do!

Full Body Weights Workout


If you train twice a week you need to hit the full body in both workouts to maximise your ROI from your time. Using supersets (back to back exercises) makes them time efficient.

Working large muscles groups ensures you burn as many calories as possible and build muscle. This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 is here.


Balance 30%
Strength 70%
Power 52%
Speed 43%
Overall 73%

Warm Up

A quick 5-10 minute warm up is essential. Run for 5 mins, steadily increasing the speed and then do some light stretching of the legs and arms so you feel loose and your heart rate has little.

Workout Notes

  • Complete each exercise group before moving to the next
  • Every exercise group is done 4 times
  • The weight is just for guidance. Choose a suitable weight for you so you can just complete the required number of reps
  • We start with higher reps, lower weights and increase the weight while decreasing the reps for each move. This will build strength, endurance and increase muscle size.

#1 – Clean & Press

  • SET 1: 10 reps – 25kg
  • SET 2: 8 reps – 30kg
  • SET 3: 6 reps – 40kg
  • SET 4: 6 reps – 40kg

The Clean & Press is an excellent workout because it requires you to use your whole body. The legs initiate the drive, followed by your arms, then your shoulders to press. The whole time your abs should remain tense and back straight. Bend the knees when you need to.

Key Points

  • Keep abs tense and back straight throughout move
  • Drive up pushing through the heels, feet flat on floor
  • Extend out the arms at the top of the move

#2 – Weighted lunge + Jumping lunge

SUPER SET: weighted lunge followed by jumping lunge

  • SET 1: 10 x weighted lunge + 10 x jumping lunge (each side)
  • SET 1: 8 x weighted lunge + 10 x jumping lunge (each side)
  • SET 1: 6 x weighted lunge + 10 x jumping lunge (each side)
  • SET 1: 6 x weighted lunge + 10 x jumping lunge (each side)

Using a weight with the lunge first helps recruit all of the muscles and fatigue them. Technique should remain very strong and controlled throughout. Then drop the weights and power through fast and explosively with the jumping lunges. This will burn your legs with a big buildup of lactic acid.

Key Points

  • Front knee should remain behind the toes at all times
  • Step first, then lower body down
  • Abs remain tense throughout, looking forwards

#3 – Wide Arm Chin-ups + Dips

SUPER SET: Wide arm chin-ups + Dips

  • SET 1: 8 x Chin-ups + 10 x Dips
  • SET 1: 8 x Chin-ups + 10 x Dips
  • SET 1: 6 x Chin-ups + 8 x Dips
  • SET 1: 6 x Chin-ups + 8 x Dips

Super setting these will help reduce the time you spend in the gym. First you’ll work your back and biceps, then the dips will work your triceps and chest.

Chin-ups: Use a wide grip and look forwards. Keep the legs still and pull yourself up, trying to keep the elbows moving in an arc. This helps emphasize the back muscles rather than the biceps.

Dips: Keep the head up and look forward, drop down until your upper arm is parallel and extend all the way back to the top.

Key Points

  • Relax the rest of the body apart from the working muscles
  • Keep your head looking forward to maintain a neutral spine
  • Slowly lower the chin-ups under complete control

#4 – Toes to bar + Weighted Crunch

SUPER SET: Toes to bar + weighted crunch

  • SET 1: 10 x Toes to bar + 6 x 10kg weighted crunch
  • SET 1: 8 x Toes to bar + 6 x 10kg weighted crunch
  • SET 1: 6 x Toes to bar + 6 x 12kg weighted crunch
  • SET 1: 6 x Toes to bar + 6 x 12kg weighted crunch

Toes to bar: Try to keep the upper body locked in position. Curl the legs up using just the abs, squeezing at the top and holding the legs up. Minimise swinging. If it’s too hard, bend the legs and do the same movement.

Weighted Crunch: The abs should remain tense throughout the movement. We’re looking for complete control both up and down. Try to relax the neck and shoulders, while holding the weight above the head.

Key Points

  • Lock the upper body in position
  • Curl upwards with the abs and squeeze at the top
  • Always lower under complete control without swinging

Why Full Body Workouts?

Full body workouts are excellent if you’re limited on gym time or have other commitments. You can squeeze them into your lunch break or get them done in under an hour before/after work.

I like to use super sets because they minimise rest which helps increase your heart rate so you’re getting a cardio workout at the same time as a muscular workout.

Give it a try and let me know how you get on in the comments below. Any feedback is welcome. Part 2 can be found here.

New for 2019…

Since writing these posts, I have released a new DIY Body Transformation Program. This kind of program is ideal for those who have an existing gym membership and want a structured, fully supported program to stick to.

It’s 12 weeks in total, where I walk you through everything you need to do. You also get unlimited in-app support from me so you can ask any questions you have about exercise or nutrition.

If you’re interested, contact me and we can chat things through. Also, I have some free guides that I created which can help you such as a 7 day meal plan and info-graphics showing you how to create nutritious and delicious meals.

It’s all about your habits…

What my program will really help you with is ensuring you create good habits. Will power is one thing, habits are what are required to keep you going, as I have written about before, and I’ve found many helpful posts about it online, too.

So, if you’re serious about getting in shape, creating new habits is what’s required.